Allie Tagle-Dokus

Allie Tagle-Dokus is a writer and high school teacher currently living in Gardner, Massachusetts, chair city of the world. She received her BFA in Writing, Literature and Publishing from Emerson College and her MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. After a brief stint tutoring in Los Angeles, she returned to Massachusetts to teach at her alumna mater, the Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School, where she also embarked on a master’s degree in education and a novel vaguely inspired by Dance Moms. Allie has short stories published in CRAFT, Sundog Lit, and the Whitefish Review. She is passionate about progressive education, the sport of cross-country, and niche subreddits dedicated to reality shows. Her debut novel, LUCKY GIRL, is forthcoming from Tin House Books in 2025.

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